Sunday, November 10, 2013

Latest Inspiration : A Wintery Mood

It's official - the Parisian winter has begun. It's been cold, rainy, grey and the air even smells like cold. I can't really describe it, but it's that smoky smell when you just know it's winter. 

Time to dig out my wool socks, take those coats out of storage, fix the holes in my wool sweaters and start turning on the heater (oh those gas bills to come!).

So all I can think about right now are coats, big sweaters and anything pine. Speaking of which, I'm really proud to announce that my little potted Christmas tree from last year is still alive and well so hooray to that!

Winter is always sudden and boring in Paris; it might go on like this, a bit above freezing point, then turn slightly (or much) colder and if we're lucky enough we might get a little snow. But from this point on it's pretty much grey and wet till March. I can never fully put away my cold weather clothes here as you never know when a sudden chill might come back.

Then again, it's back to fancy gloves, big shawls, ankle boots and vintage fur collars.

So here are a few images from my autumn/winter pinboard to put you in the mood (and ultimately get me less whiny about upcoming cold season). Enjoy!



  1. Yes, the smoky smell - that's it! I've never named before the thing that makes me feel winter but it has to be this scent. Fog, fallen leaves, red cheeks, cold hands and the smoky smell.

  2. Lovely images, my dear! Congrats on keeping your Christmas Pine alive! You may be the first person living in an apartment to do that! hahaha. I think I'll go light an evergreen candle now :)
